First |
Internal medicine
Endocrinology service for adults |
8 |
35 |
60 hours per week**
60 hours per week |
Second |
General endocrinology
Endocrinology and pregnancy
Center for education and care of the diabetic patient Endocrinology laboratory |
1 2 |
4 8 |
60 hours per week
60 hours per week
60 hours per week 60 hours per week |
Third |
General endocrinology
Pediatric endocrinology service |
3 |
12 |
60 hours per week
60 hours per week |
- Diseases and syndromes treated in intermediate therapy services and clinical rooms
- Acute bronchial asthma crisis and severe acute asthma
Adult respiratory failure
- Acute myocardial infarction
- Hypertensive crisis
- Arrhythmias
- Chest pain
- Heart failure and acute pulmonary edema
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Cardiorespiratory arrest
- Pulmonary thromboembolism and hypertensive pulmonary heart disease
- Acute abdominal pain
- Follow-up in the case of acute diarrhea
- Follow-up in the case of anuria
- Altered hydromineral balance
- Meningoencephalitis
- Acute febrile illness
- Upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding
- Shock
- Acute poisoning
- Endocrine emergencies:
- Ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis
- Lactic acidosis
- Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma
- Hypoglycemia
- Adrenal crisis
- Myxedema coma
- Thyroid crisis
- Acute hypocalcemia
- Prevention and control of hospital-acquired diseases
- Medical emergencies in pregnant women
- Ethical principles in the care of emergency patients and their families
The following aspects are analyzed for each of the diseases studied:
Concept, etiology, epidemiology, classification, clinical forms, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, complementary tests, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, evolution, complications, sequelae, prognosis, comprehensive treatment (prophylactic, medical-surgical, acute and supportive), rehabilitation
- Basic principles in the endocrinology laboratory
- Radioimmunoassay; hormones, proteins and steroids; ultra-microanalytical system
- Fundamentals, indications, procedures and interpretation of baseline measurements or dynamic tests
- Diagnostic procedures on: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas and lipids, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, ovaries, testicles
- Female reproduction, cytogenetics and immunology laboratories
III. Introductory clinical endocrinology, CH, embryology, anatomy, histology and physiology of the endocrine system:
- General concepts of endocrinology
- Concept of endocrine regulation
- Feedforward
- Feedback. Positive and negative feedback
- Hormonal and humoral feedback
- Long, short and ultra-short loop feedback
- Hormonal biosynthesis patterns
- Definition of receptors and their cellular location
- General mechanisms of hormone action
- Neuroendocrinology
- Cortex-endocrine gland relationship
- Neurotransmitters
- Cortico-hypothalamus-pituitary relationship
- Adeno and neurohypophysis
- Embryology
- Normal histology
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Hypothalamic-pituitary relationships
- Peripheral actions of pituitary hormones and mechanisms of action
- Thyroid
- Embryology
- Normal histology
- Anatomical relationships
- Iodine kinetics
- Hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid regulation
- Thyroid autoregulation
- Thyroid hormone synthesis
- Peripheral actions of thyroid hormones and mechanism of their action
- Parathyroid
- Embryology
- Histology
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Peripheral actions of PTH, calcitonin and vitamin D
- PTH synthesis and secretion
- Mineral metabolism (calcium, phosphorus and magnesium)
- Skeletal and mineral homeostasis
- Pancreas
- Embryology
- Histology
- Anatomy
- Hormone production
- Insulin and glucagon
- Insulin secretion
- Insulin mechanism of action
- Regulation of insulin synthesis
- Glucagon actions
- Other counterregulatory hormones and their action
- Fed and fasted glucose homeostasis
- Lipid metabolism
- Triglyceride metabolism: fat for energy
- Cholesterol metabolism
- Hyperlipidemia
- Atherosclerosis
- Adrenal cortex and medulla
- Embryology
- Histology
- Anatomy
- Steroidogenesis
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
- Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis
- Circadian rhythm
- Peripheral actions of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
- Hormonal mechanism of action of steroid hormones
- Biosynthesis of catecholamines
- Actions of catecholamines
- APUD system
- Testicles
- Embryology
- Histology
- Anatomy
- Testicular physiology
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis
- Spermatogenesis
- Peripheral actions of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone
- Mechanism of action of androgens
- Importance of Sertoli cells
- Ovaries
- Embryology
- Histology
- Anatomy
- Ovarian physiology
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis
- Oogenesis
- Peripheral actions of estrogen and progesterone
- Mechanism of action of ovarian hormones
- Normal puberty
- Influence of the endocrine glands on development and growth
- Growth hormone
- Thyroid hormones
- Insulin
- Glucocorticoids
- Androgens
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Peptide growth factors
- Control of growth at the cellular level
- Prenatal growth
- Growth from birth to puberty
- Pubertal growth
- Bone age and physical maturity
- Development of specific organs and tissues
- Growth by hyperplasia and growth by hypertrophy
- Normal sexual differentiation
- Chromosomal sex and biological functions of the Y and X chromosomes
- H-Y antigen
- Differentiation of the gonads
- Differentiation of the internal genitals
- Differentiation of the external genitalia and urogenital sinus
- Sexual differentiation in the hypothalamus
- Psycho-sexual differentiation
- Genetics and endocrinology
- Mitosis and meiosis
- Normal human chromosomes
- Chromosomal aberrations
- Structural
- Numerical
- Interpretation
- Interpretation
- Chromosomal alterations of the most common endocrine diseases
- General principles of hereditary diseases
- Genetic action endocrine glands
- Immunology
- General concepts
- Concept of antigens
- Concept of antibodies
- Types of immunity (autoimmunity, humoral immunity and cellular immunity)
- Concept of HLA and its importance in pathology
- Autoimmunity and endocrine diseases
- Mechanisms involved in the production of autoimmune endocrinopathies
- Predisposing factors: environmental and genetic
- Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome
- Nature of the immune response
- Immune-mediated tissue injury
- Influence of the endocrine system in the expression of allergic and immunological reactions
- Allergic and immunological reactions to hormones
- Skin and hormones
- Hormones, the epidermis and dermis
- Dermal vascularization and hormones
- Hormones, melanocytes and pigmentation
- Hypopituitarism
- Concept of panhypopituitarism and selective and partial hypopituitarism
- Causal classification
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis (anorexia nervosa, primary hypothyroidism primary adrenal insufficiency, primary hypogonadism, anemias, hypoglycemic syndrome, cachexia from other causes, short stature from other causes)
- Study program
- Acromegaly and gigantism
- Concept
- Etiology
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Prolactinomas and hyperprolactinemia
- Concept
- Frequency
- Clinical picture
Differential diagnosis
- Other pituitary tumors
- Concept of pituitary tumor
- Concept of macro and micro adenoma
- Variants of tumor growth
- Classification according to hormonal secretion vs staining classification
- Clinical picture
- Other non-pituitary tumors (craniopharyngioma)
- Study program
- Mild polyureic-polydipsic syndrome
- Concept of VSDI, VRDI and potomania
- Pathogenic classification
- Clinical picture
- Study program
- Short stature
- Concept
- Causal classification
- Etiological diagnosis
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Bone age determination, oral chromatin and skull radiology in the study of short stature syndrome
- Tall stature syndrome
- Concept
- Causal classification
- Etiological diagnosis
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Hyperthyroidism
- Concept
- Classification
- Clinical picture varieties
- Differential diagnosis
- Etiopathogenesis of Graves-Basedow disease
- Clinical manifestations of Graves-Basedow disease
- Thyrotoxic crisis diagnosis and treatment
- Hyperthyroidism study program
- Thyroiditis
- Acute thyroiditis, etiology, diagnosis
- Subacute thyroiditis, etiology, diagnosis
- Hashimoto’s disease, etiology, diagnosis
- Chronic, mycotic and bacterial thyroiditis, etiology, diagnosis
- Riedel’s thyroiditis, etiology, diagnosis
- Hypothyroidism
- Concept
- Causal classification
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Hypothyroidism in children
- Single thyroid nodule, nodular goiter, and thyroid cancer
- Concept
- Clinical diagnosis
- Pathological classification of the thyroid nodule
- Study program
- Clinical manifestation and survival of thyroid cancer
- Genetic alterations that affect the synthesis, transport and utilization of thyroid hormones
- Intrathyroidal enzyme abnormalities, diagnosis and treatment
- Uptake defect
- Organification defect
- Proteolysis defect
- Coupling defect
- Dehalogenation defect
- Extrathyroidal genetic alterations, diagnosis and treatment
- Changes in TBG serum concentration
- Peripheral resistance to thyroid hormones
- Euthyroid goiter
- Concept
- Causal classification
- Clinical diagnosis and etiology
- Differential diagnosis
- Complementary examinations
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Concepts of hypercalcemia and primary, secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism
- Etiology
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Other causes of hypercalcemia
- Examinations that aid in the localization of a tumor
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Concept
- Etiological classification
- Causes with inadequate secretion of PTH
- Causes in which the secretion is normal but biologically ineffective
- Peripheral resistance to PTH (pseudohypoparathyroidism)
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Other causes of hypocalcemia
- Pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism
- Rickets and osteomalacia
- Diabetes mellitus (DM)
- Definition
- Classification
- Conditions and associated syndromes
- Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), previous and potential
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical picture
- Etiopathogenesis of type 1 DM
- Environmental factors
- Immunological factors
- Inherited genetic factors
- Role of the HLA system in the etiopathogenesis of type 1 DM
- Insulin gene polymorphism
- Etiopathogenesis of type 2 DM
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Concept of ketosis and ketoacidosis
- Triggers
- Clinical picture
- Complementary examinations
- Differential diagnosis
- Hyperosmolar coma and lactic acidosis
- Concept
- Clinical picture
- Triggers
- Differential diagnosis
- Complementary examinations
- DM in children and adolescents
- Diagnosis
- Control criteria
- Acute complications
- Diabetes and pregnancy
- Gestational diabetes, concept and diagnosis
- Potential abnormality of glucose tolerance
- Most frequent congenital malformations in the child of a diabetic mother
- Ocular complications of DM Diagnosis
- Retina
- Iris
- Crystalline
- Conjunctiva
- Cornea
- Intraocular muscles
- Nerves
- Diabetic nephropathy
- Concept
- Histological classification
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Complementary examinations
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Concept
- Classification and diagnosis
- Complementary examinations
- Skeletal and joint complications of DM
- Neuropathic arthropathy
- Diabetic osteopathy
- Osteopenia
- Articular syndromes of the hand
- Vascular complications of DM
- Macroangiopathy
- Microangiopathy
- Dermatology complications of DM
- Ochre dermatitis
- Diabetic dermopathy
- Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
- Diabetic bullae
- Granuloma annulare
- Diabetic foot
- Concept
- Etiopathogenesis
- Classification
- Clinical picture
- Complementary examinations
- Special situations in diabetic treatment
- Hypoglycemia
- Insulin lipodystrophy
- Insulin allergy
- Insulin resistance
- Other diabetic comas
- Infections
- Malignant otitis
- Acute hepatitis
- Hyperthyroidism
- Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
- Hypoglycemic syndrome
- Concept
- Causal classification
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Hyperlipoproteinemia
- Concepts of hyperlipidemia, hyperlipemia, α-lipoproteins, β-lipoproteins, pre beta lipoproteins, wide β-lipoprotein
- Mechanism of absorption and digestion of lipids
- Metabolism of lipoproteins
- Concept and types of apoproteins, function and properties
- Classification of hyperlipoproteinemia
- Diagnosis
- Obesity
- Concept
- Diagnosis
- Differential diagnosis
- Classification
- Complications
- Study program
- Cushing’s disease
- Concept
- Causal classification
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Concept
- Clinical picture and differential diagnosis
- Causal classification
- Study program
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- Concept
- Enzyme defects that produce congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Primary hyperaldosteronism
- Concept
- Classification
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Pheochromocytoma
- Concept
- Classification
- Clinical picture
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Amenorrhea
- Concept of primary and secondary amenorrhea
- Concept of oligomenorrhea
- Causal classification
- Etiological diagnosis
- Study program
- Female hypogonadism
- Causal classification
- Concept of primary and secondary hypogonadism
- Clinical picture
- Study program
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- Concept
- Causal classification
- Etiological diagnosis
- Study program
- Hirsutism
- Concept of hirsutism and hypertrichosis
- Assessment of the severity of hirsutism, quantitative index
- Causal classification
- Etiological diagnosis
- Study program
- Infertility (masculine and feminine)
- Concepts
- Causal classification
- Diagnosis
- Study program
- Masculine hypogonadism
- Causal classification
- Concept of primary and secondary, pre- and post-pubertal hypogonadism
- Clinical picture
- Study program
- Empty scrotum syndrome
- Concept of cryptorchidism, retractile testicles, testicular ectopia and anorchia
- Clinical diagnosis
- Complementary examinations
- Pubertal delay
- Concept
- Clinical diagnosis and etiology
- Study program
- Variations in pubertal development
- Premature pubarche or adrenarche
- Premature thelarche
- Premature menarche
- Virginal breast hypertrophy
- Small breasts
- Gynecomastia
- Menstrual disorders
- Early sexual development
- Concept of true early puberty and sexual precocity
- Etiological classification
- Clinical diagnosis and etiology
- Differential diagnosis
- Study program
- Hypogenitalism
- Concept
- Classification
- Clinical diagnosis
- Study program
- Abnormalities of sexual differentiation
- Concept
- Classification
- Concept of ambiguous genitalia
- Differential diagnosis of sexual differentiation abnormalities
- Gonadal dysgenesis: Turner, mixed and pure; diagnosis and treatment
- Klinefelter syndrome Diagnosis and treatment
- Masculine and feminine pseudo hermaphroditism, diagnosis
- Gonadal tumors with endocrine function
- Ovarian tumors
- Testicular tumors
- Classification
- Diagnosis
- Systemic contraception
- Multiple endocrine adenomatosis (MEN)
- Endocrine hypertension
- Renin-aldosterone axis in blood pressure control
- Renin system description
- Abnormalities of aldosterone and renin secretion
- Electrolyte balance and hypertension diagnosis
- Hypopituitarism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Acromegaly and gigantism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Prolactinomas and hyperprolactinemia
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Other pituitary tumors
- Mild polyuria-polydipsia syndrome
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Therapeutic approach to tall stature syndrome
- Therapeutic approach to short stature syndrome
- Hyperthyroidism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Treatment with medicine, surgery and I-131
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Thyroiditis
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Hypothyroidism:
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Single thyroid nodule, nodular goiter, and thyroid cancer
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Indications of surgical treatment
- Other forms of treatment
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Euthyroid goiter
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Indications of surgical treatment
- Other forms of treatment
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Diabetes mellitus (DM) and AGT
- Objectives of treatment
- Preventative treatment
- Diabetes education
- Diet
- Exercises
- Oral hypoglycemia, indications and contraindications, drugs used and mechanisms of action
- Metabolic control criteria
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Hyperosmolar coma and lactic acidosis
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- DM in children and adolescents
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Dosages and routes of administration
- Other forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Metabolic control criteria
- Treatment for acute complications of DM
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Diabetes and pregnancy
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Diets for pregnant women
- Insulin treatment schemes
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Ocular complications of DM
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Diabetic nephropathy
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Skeletal and joint complications of DM
- Diabetic foot
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Special situations in diabetic treatment
- Hypoglycemia
- Insulin lipodystrophy
- Insulin allergy
- Insulin resistance
- Other diabetic comas
- Infections
- Malignant otitis
- Acute hepatitis
- Hyperthyroidism
- Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
- Hypoglycemic syndrome
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Hyperlipoproteinemia
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Diets
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Obesity
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment.
- Forms of treatment
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Cushing’s disease
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Surgical criteria
- Pre-surgical preparation
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Primary hyperaldosteronism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Pheochromocytoma
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Pre-surgical preparation
- Most common complications
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Treatment for types of Amenorrhea
- Female hypogonadism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding
- Hirsutism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Secondary effects
- Evolution
- Prognosis
- Therapeutic approach to infertility treatment (masculine and feminine)
- Masculine hypogonadism
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Therapeutic approach to empty scrotum syndrome
- Therapeutic approach to pubertal delay
- Physical variations in pubertal development
- Therapeutic approach to early sexual development
- Therapeutic approach to hypogenitalism
- Therapeutic approach to sexual differentiation abnormalities
- Therapeutic approach to gonadal tumors with endocrine function
- Systemic contraception
- Types of contraceptives
- Routes of administration
- Treatment schemes
- Secondary effects
- Therapeutic approach to multiple endocrine adenomatosis (MEN)
- Endocrine hypertension
- Objectives of comprehensive treatment
- Forms of treatment
- Evolution
- Prognosis