Urology Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

Urology Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

Urology Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

In Stock



First year


Subject area I

  1. Anatomy and physiology of the urogenital tract
  2. Embryology and histology of the urological and genital system
  3. Urological semiology
  4. Urology instruments: probes, cystoscope, resectoscope
  5. Congenital anomalies
  6. Urinary tract imaging
  7. Radioisotope studies in the urinary tract
  8. Non-specific and antimicrobial infections
  9. Non-traumatic urological emergencies, diagnosis to follow:
  • Nephritic colic
  • Acute urinary tract infection
  • Perinephric abscess
  • Epididymo-orchitis
  • Torsion of the spermatic cord
  • Urine retention
  • Blood in urine
  • Priapism
  • Paraphimosis
  • Anuria
  1. Urinary genital trauma
  2. Hydromineral balance of the surgical patient
  3. Acute abdomen
  4. Scarring
  5. Asepsis and antisepsis
  6. Alternative medicine
Second year


Subject area II

  1. Specific infections: Tuberculosis. Bilharziasis
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases
  3. Lithiasis disease
  4. Prostatic hyperplasia
  5. Malignant tumors of the prostate
  6. Excretory tract tumors
  7. Male genital tumor pathology
  8. Urinary incontinence
  9. Renal ptosis
  10. Urethral stricture
  11. Extracorporeal lithotripsy
  12. Endourology U/T. Superior


Third year

Subject area III

  1. Urological pathology in women
  2. Bladder diseases
  3. Vesicovaginal, ureterovaginal and urethrovaginal fistulas
  4. Urethrorectal fistula
  5. Renal parenchymal tumors
  6. Renovascular hypertension
  7. Erectile sexual dysfunction
  8. Male infallibility
  9. Endoscopic surgery of the lower urinary tract
  10. Urinary sepsis in children
  11. Vesicoureteral reflux
  12. Intersex syndrome
  13. Surgical treatment of the child’s external abnormalities
  14. Child urogenital emergencies.
  15. Hydromineral balance of the surgical child
  16. Anal imperforation
  17. Enuresis
  18. Retroperitoneal tumors in children
  19. Obstructive uropathies in children


Fourth year


Subject area IV

  1. Surgical treatment of congenital malformations in adults
  2. Urinary diversion
  3. Neuromuscular disease
  4. Extrarenal retroperitoneal tumors
  5. Glomerulopathies and nephrotic syndromes
  6. Acute kidney disease
  7. Acute kidney failure
  8. Kidney transplant
  9. Use of the intestine in urological surgery


Distribution of the content of the specialization

Comprehensive medical treatment function


Urology Department

32 weeks

1920 hours


Intermediate Surgery Therapy Service

8 weeks

480 hours


General Surgery Service

Short Internship

4 weeks

240 hours


TTE protocol


Urology Department


40 weeks

2400 hours



ESWT Service and Endourology

4 weeks

240 hours











Urology Department


32 weeks

1920 hours



Pediatric Urology Department

12 weeks

720 hours










Urology Department

42 weeks

2520 hours



Transplantology Service

2 weeks

120 hours