Neonatology Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

Neonatology Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

Neonatology Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

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First Year

Area: Pediatrics


  1. Diseases of the respiratory system 2 months
  2. Acute diarrheal disease 1 month
  3. Other frequent pediatric conditions (miscellaneous) 2 months
  4. Care for the critically ill child 5 months

Module 13. Clinical research

Courses: Research methodology

Second Year

Area: Clinical neonatology


  1. Principle fetal conditions 1 month
  2. Care for the neonatal during birth and resuscitation 1 month
  3. Care for the healthy newborn 3 months
  4. Neonatal intermediate therapy I 2 months
  5. Neonatal intensive therapy I 3 months

Module 14. Teaching-learning process

Courses: Computation

Third Year

Area: Clinical-surgical neonatology


  1. Neonatal intermediate therapy II 2 months
  2. Neonatal intensive therapy II 3 months
  3. Neonatal heart and surgical conditions 4 months





 Module 1: Diseases of the respiratory system

  1. Development of the respiratory system

Respiratory regulation

  1. Diagnostic methods of respiratory diseases
  2. Defense mechanisms and metabolic lung functions
  3. Diagnostic techniques in child respiratory conditions
  4. Foreign objects in the nose.

Bloody nose

  1. Infections of the upper airways.

Acute rhinopharyngitis, acute pharyngitis, acute uvulitis, pharyngeal and peritonsillar abscess, sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, epiglottitis, laryngitis

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea in children
  2. Tracheitis
  3. Foreign bodies in the larynx, trachea and bronchi
  4. Acute and chronic bronchitis in childhood
  5. Bronchiolitis
  6. Pneumonias
  7. Atelectasis
  8. Emphysema and pulmonary hyperinflation
  9. Bronchial asthma
  10. Cystic fibrosis
  11. Pleural diseases
  12. Pneumothorax
  13. Pneumomediastinum
  14. Neuromuscular disorders that affect lung function


Module 2. Acute diarrheal disease


  1. Development of the digestive system
  2. Acute diarrheal disease in children, definition, etiopathogenic classification
  3. Etiology of acute diarrheal disease: virus, bacteria, parasites
  4. Mechanisms of action of acute diarrheal disease
  5. Supportive and specific treatment in acute diarrheal disease
  6. Treatment of alterations in hydro saline balance and acid-base balance associated with acute diarrheal disease
  7. Complications of acute diarrheal disease in the pediatric patient
  8. Prevention of acute diarrheal disease in childhood

Module 3: Other frequent pediatric conditions (miscellaneous)


  1. Hypochromic, hemolytic megaloblastic, hypoplastic and aplastic anemias
  2. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Henoch–Schoenlein purpura, hemophilia
  3. Urinary infection, acute nephritic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, blood in urine
  4. Malabsorption syndrome, hepatitis
  5. Congenital and acquired hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus
  6. Assessment of the child with neurological disease
  7. Febrile seizure, most common epileptic syndromes
  8. Febrile syndrome in children


Module 4: Care for the critically ill child


  1. Planning, organization, structure and function of a pediatric multipurpose intensive care unit
  2. Monitoring and follow-up of the critically ill child
  3. Humidity, gases and respiratory physiotherapy in the severe pediatric patient
  4. Nutrition or artificial feeding: water, energy function, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, trace elements, electrolytes; food and the critical patient
  5. Infections in the pediatric multipurpose care unit

Risks to the patient in intensive care

Characteristics of the microbial map

Prevention and treatment

Isolation of patients

  1. Artificial airway




Endotracheal intubation


Complications of the artificial airway

  1. Artificial respiration



Repercussions of mechanical ventilation

Modalities, types and techniques of ventilation

Indications for mechanical ventilation in children

Beginning mechanical ventilation

Initial mode of ventilation

Complications of mechanical ventilation

Classification of ventilators

  1. Drowning or incomplete drowning

Human reaction during submersion

Hydro electrolytic alterations


  1. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis

Classification and terminology

Main protagonists of the inflammatory response to infection

Manifestations of the inflammatory response

  1. Acute respiratory distress syndrome in children
  2. Criteria for multiple organ failure or multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in children
  3. Severe head trauma in children
  4. Severe polytrauma in children

Basic concepts

Prognostic index

Intensive handling

  1. Bioethical aspects of the brain-dead pediatric patient


Module 13. Clinical research


  1. Methodological scientific research, methodology, and methods
  2. IT elements, biostatistics elements
  3. Composition and classification of resources, function of resources
  4. Basic techniques for programming activities
  5. Forms of control of scientific activities
  6. Methods, techniques and procedures of scientific research, methodological foundations of scientific research
  7. MINSAP health policy in the field of health research
  8. Scientific report writing technique
  9. Branch research programs in the health sector




Module 5. Main fetal conditions


  1. Fetal growth and development
  2. Fetal-maternal exchange: placental circulation and fetal acid-base balance
  3. Maternal pathologies and their neonatal consequences
  4. The fetus of a mother with addictions
  5. Teratogenic agents
  6. Prenatal diagnosis of developmental abnormalities and hereditary diseases
  7. Fetal growth disorders: intrauterine growth retardation and excessive prenatal growth
  8. Evaluation of fetal well-being
  9. Multiple pregnancies
  10. Threat of preterm labor
  11. Prolonged pregnancy
  12. Perinatal non-immune hydrops
  13. Premature rupture of membranes
  14. Nutrition of the pregnant and lactating mother
  15. Fetal surgery: advances and problems


Module 6. Care of the infant during birth and resuscitation


  1. Clinical aspects of a normal birth
  2. Medicines that adversely influence the fetus and the newborn at the time of delivery
  3. Influence of the delivery type on the fetus and neonate

Effects of caesarean section and instrumentation

  1. Physiology of the transition from fetal to neonatal life: fetal and neonatal circulation

Physiological aspects of pulmonary circulation

  1. Modifications for the fetal-neonatal transition
  2. Immediate care of normal and high-risk newborns at the time of delivery
  3. Perinatal asphyxia: causes and pathophysiological alterations
  4. Physiological bases for neonatal resuscitation
  5. Initial steps of neonatal resuscitation
  6. Use of resuscitation bag and mask: equipment and ventilation of the newborn
  7. External cardiac massage during neonatal resuscitation
  8. Endotracheal intubation in the depressed neonate at delivery
  9. Drugs to be used in neonatal resuscitation
  10. Resuscitation of the newborn in special situations
  11. Bioethical aspects of neonatal resuscitation
  12. Thermoregulation: physiological bases, fetal thermoregulation, mechanisms that regulate heat loss in the newborn


Neutral thermal environment

  1. Temperature regulation and effects of the thermal environment on the newborn
  2. Management of the thermal environment
  3. Hypothermia and neonatal cold syndrome
  4. Basic care during intrahospital transfer of the newborn



Module 7. Care of the healthy newborn


  1. Clinical assessment of the gestational age of the newborn
  2. Nutritional assessment of the newborn according to intrauterine growth curves
  3. Clinical and physiological characteristics of the normal newborn from the first hours of life
  4. Neurological assessment of the term newborn
  5. Birth injuries: soft tissue, skull, spine and spinal cord injuries, peripheral nerve injuries, adiponecrosis, visceral injuries, fractures
  6. General concepts of hereditary conditions

Isolated primary defects

Multiple malformations

  1. Most frequent chromosomal syndromes: trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome

Most common malformation sequences


  1. Clinical approach to the newborn with ambiguous genitalia
  2. Diagnosis of congenital metabolic diseases and the most frequent endocrine disorders at birth
  3. Normal hematological values of the newborn
  4. Bilirubin metabolism and physiological jaundice
  5. Immunological characteristics of the newborn
  6. Immunizations of the neonatal period
  7. Normal newborn feeding: breastfeeding and artificial
  8. Perinatal and childhood statistics: definitions of live and dead newborn Underweight index

Perinatal, fetal and neonatal mortality

Child mortality

Classifications of the causes of perinatal and infant mortality


Module 8. Neonatal intermediate therapy I


  1. High-risk newborn
  2. Low-weight newborn


Related factors


  1. General and physiological characteristics and peculiarities of the preterm and low birthweight newborn for their gestational age
  2. Spectrum of diseases of the preterm newborn and low birthweight
  3. General and specific care of the preterm and low birthweight newborn
  4. Comprehensive care of the very low birthweight non-critically ill newborn
  5. Enteral feeding of the very low birthweight infant
  6. Classification and care of the newborn born of multiple pregnancies
  7. Characteristics and management of the post-term newborn
  8. Complications and comprehensive care of the large-for-gestational-age and fetal macrosomia
  9. Newborn of a diabetic mother
  10. Newborn of a mother with toxemia gravidarum
  11. Newborn of a mother with thyroid diseases
  12. Normal hematological values ​​of the preterm newborn and low weight for gestational age
  13. Metabolic disorders: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypermagnesemia
  14. Neonatal jaundice

Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia

Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia


Module 9. Neonatal intensive therapy I


  1. Organizational, administrative and hygienic-epidemiological control aspects in the neonatal intensive care unit
  2. Monitoring in the neonatal intensive care
  3. Fluid balance and hydro-electrolyte alterations in the newborn
  4. Alterations of the acid-base balance
  5. Nutrition of the critically ill neonate
  6. Physiological basis for neonatal ventilation
  7. Oxygen therapy
  8. Ventilation of the newborn: continuous positive pressure ventilation, conventional mechanical ventilation, high frequency conventional mechanical ventilation
  9. Types of neonatal ventilators
  10. Other ventilatory modalities: synchronized ventilation, volume-controlled ventilation, pressure support ventilation, high frequency ventilation, proportional assisted ventilation and computerized ventilation
  11. Medications in respiratory assistance
  12. Ventilation in newborns weighing less than 1000 grams
  13. Indications and complications of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
  14. Techniques for weaning from neonatal respiratory assistance
  15. Complications of the different modalities of neonatal respiratory assistance
  16. Positive and etiological diagnosis of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
  17. Essential examinations and supportive treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn
  18. Transient tachypnea of the newborn
  19. Hyaline membrane disease
  20. Meconium aspiration syndrome
  21. Air blockage: pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, pneumopericardium, massive air embolism
  22. Recurrent apnea of the preterm newborn
  23. Pulmonary hemorrhage
  24. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  25. Antibiotic therapy in the neonatal intensive care
  26. Sedation and analgesia in the critically ill newborn


Module 14. Teaching-learning process


  1. The medical education system in Cuba

Training programs

  1. The teaching-learning process: main teaching-patient care activities that comprise the teaching-learning process
  2. Educational objectives and their importance in the organization and execution of the teaching-learning process
  3. Educational contents

Knowledge and skills system

  1. Organizational structure of education In-service training in the medical sciences
  2. Teaching methods

Professional methods as teaching methods in medical science education Problematization

  1. Teaching aids, their effectiveness in cognitive activity. The use of proof in medical sciences
  2. Importance of medical ethics when teaching with patients
  3. Evaluation and control: concepts, functions, objective-assessment relationship
  4. Process to identify learning needs

Techniques and models for the identification of learning needs



Module 10: Neonatal intermediate therapy II


  1. Anemia due to acute blood loss, accelerated destruction of erythrocytes and inefficient production or defect in the production of red blood cells
  2. Indications for transfusion with packed red blood cells
  3. Indications for whole blood transfusion
  4. Complications of blood transfusions or transfusions with packed red blood cells
  5. Polycythemia or erythrocytosis, hyper viscosity
  6. Disorders of hemostasis in the newborn: causes and differential diagnosis
  7. Investigations to evaluate a neonatal bleeding diathesis
  8. Conduct to follow in the event of a neonatal hemorrhagic diathesis
  9. Primary hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
  10. Alterations of leukocytes and myeloproliferative conditions in the newborn: congenital leukemia and transient myeloproliferative syndrome
  11. Minor digestive disorders of the neonatal stage
  12. Minor infections of the newborn
  13. Urinary tract infection
  14. Care for the febrile newborn
  15. Prevention and management in the newborn born to an HIV-positive mother


Module 11. Neonatal intensive therapy II


  1. Patent ductus arteriosus
  2. Neonatal persistent pulmonary hypertension
  3. Hypotension and systemic arterial hypertension in the newborn
  4. State of shock in the neonate
  5. Thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction
  6. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  7. Severe hemolytic disease of the newborn
  8. Perinatal asphyxia
  9. Neonatal seizures and convulsive status
  10. Neonatal epilepsies
  11. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
  12. Intracranial hemorrhage
  13. Neonatal onset neuromuscular diseases
  14. Necrotizing enterocolitis
  15. Neonatal hematuria
  16. Kidney disease
  17. Prenatal infections
  18. Early onset perinatal infections
  19. Late onset perinatal infections
  20. Hospital-acquired infections in neonatal intensive care
  21. Neonatal meningoencephalitis
  22. Neonatal tetanus
  23. Bioethical aspects linked to neonatal intensive care: principles, conflicts and dilemmas in the face of diagnostic and therapeutic options for the main dilemmas of neonatal intensive care


Module 12. Neonatal heart and surgical conditions


Heart conditions

  1. Prevalence and survival of congenital heart disease
  2. Clinical elements of suspected congenital heart disease

Diagnostic approach to congenital heart disease

  1. Fundamental characteristics of the electrocardiogram in the newborn
  2. Aortic stenosis, coarctation of the aorta, interruption of the aortic arch, left heart hypoplasia syndrome
  3. Pulmonary stenosis, pulmonary atresia, tricuspid atresia, tetralogy of Fallot, Ebstein’s anomaly
  4. Transposition of the great vessels
  5. Septal defects, atrioventricular canal
  6. Myocarditis, transient myocardial ischemia, dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies
  7. Heart failure
  8. Cardiac arrhythmias of the neonatal period

Surgical conditions

  1. General preoperative care
  2. Immediate postoperative care
  3. Mediate postoperative care
  4. Sedation, anesthesia and analgesia in the surgical neonate
  5. Special enteral feeding in the surgical neonate
  6. Total parenteral nutrition
  7. Interhospital transfer of the surgical or pathological newborn
  8. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
  9. Diaphragmatic paralysis and eventration
  10. Esophageal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula
  11. Gastroesophageal reflux
  12. Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
  13. Omphalocele and gastroschisis, inguinal hernias
  14. Gastric ulcer, gastric and intestinal perforation
  15. Bowel obstruction
  16. Intestinal malrotation
  17. Intestinal duplication
  18. Digestive stenosis, annular pancreas, intraluminal diaphragm
  19. Congenital bridles
  20. Intestinal atresia
  21. Meconium plug syndrome, meconium ileus
  22. Hirschsprung syndrome
  23. Imperforate anus
  24. Peritonitis
  25. Abdominal masses: kidney, tumors, adrenal hemorrhage, ovarian cyst or tumor, pancreatic cyst, choledochal cyst, mesenteric cyst, intestinal duplication
  26. Upper airway abnormalities: choanal atresia, laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, congenital laryngeal stridor
  27. First branchial arch syndrome, mandibular facial dysostosis, Pierre Robin syndrome, cleft lip, cleft palate, macroglossia
  28. Bronchopulmonary malformations
  29. Congenital lobar emphysema
  30. Rupture of solid viscera: liver, spleen, adrenal
  31. Kidney and urinary tract malformations
  32. Hydrometrical
  33. Hydrocele, testicular torsion, testicular hematoma
  34. Hypospadias and epispadias
  35. Bladder exstrophy
  36. Congenital anomalies of the omphalomesenteric duct and urachus
  37. Myelomeningocele, hydrocephalus, encephalocele
  38. Most frequent associations: Vater, Charge, DiGeorge and others
  39. Tumors: neuroblastoma, Wilms’ tumor, teratomas, botryoid sarcoma
  40. Other tumors: hemangiomas, lymphangiomas, hepatoblastomas, hepatomas, hamartomas, nephroma
  41. Neck tumors, goiter, cystic hygroma
  42. Cataract and tumors of the eye and orbit
  43. Mediastinal tumors
  44. Cellulite, mastitis, omphalitis
  45. Arthritis and osteomyelitis
  46. Late onset neonatal infections
  47. Neonatal community-acquired infections

Module 15. The Administration in the national health system


  1. Historical background of management theories and techniques

Current trends and their impact on the management of hospitals

Management methods and styles

  1. Management functions, strategic and participatory management by objectives
  2. Planning, structure of a plan, the emerging work within the plan
  3. Hospital organization, change and development, hospital processes, services and their management, techniques to establish priorities
  4. The health situation, characteristics and value of the most used indicators of health status
  5. Components of the human resources management system

Particularities of health human resources

Work, leadership, creativity, and communication teams

  1. Human resources, recruitment, selection, and employment strategy

Human resources training and development

  1. Control, supervision, importance in hospital care, ways to carry out control, supervision guidelines, ethical aspects of supervision and control
  2. Quality improvement, documentation and audit programs. Economy and quality.