Legal and Forensic Medicine Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

Legal and Forensic Medicine Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

Legal and Forensic Medicine Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

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Legal and Forensic Medicine

Duration                     3 years

Prior undergraduate (Licenciatura) degree:           Medicine




Generalities: Definition, objectives, limitations, relationship with other sciences, historical development, social and professional projection of the specialization of legal and forensic medicine.

Expert method: Scientific and technical characteristics. Limitations and problems with research and expert opinion. Ethical and legal meaning of expert evidence.

Organization of legal and forensic medicine: In Spain and compared to other countries in the European Union. In relation to other medical and health care activities.

Professional exercise in the specialization of legal and forensic medicine: Academic and legal requirements. Ways of exercising. Professional responsibility. Ethical standards.



Legal regulations: Hierarchy, range and content of medical-legal interest of: codes, laws and procedures of the different jurisdictions at the level of the Spanish State and compared to the European Union.

Health-administrative regulations: Hierarchy, range and medical-legal content of the regulations on provision, organization, structure and operation of institutions and management bodies of health care, at the level of: State, Autonomous Communities and compared with the European Union.

Organization of the Administration of Justice: Bodies, powers, estates, officials and institutions and medical-forensic professionals.

Organization of the Health Administration: Administrative planning and health management bodies. Functions and competences of the different health care estates and institutions. Hospital functional organization charts. Hospital accreditation standards.

Medical law: range, content and social, health, professional medical and medical-legal projection.

Organization and exercise of health professions: Regulations. Medical-legal criteria for professional practice. Labor relations. Medical fees. Medical-administrative procedures

Medical-legal documents: types, characteristics, meaning, applications and standards of preparation and structure.
Administrative-health documents: Types, characteristics, meaning, applications and standards of preparation and structure, processing, availability and management of information.
Medical confidentiality: Concept, characteristics of confidential information. Medical-legal meaning. Standards for the treatment of medical information.

Medical professional liability: Legal criteria. Medical-legal criteria of the medical act and clinical-patient care norms. Methodical assessment and medical-legal expertise.
Responsibility in health management and administration: Legal and medical-legal criteria. Areas of professional competence. Organizational structure of health administration, at national and regional levels. Public institutions, semi-private and private.

Professional and institutional accident claims in the provision of health services: Type, characteristics and ways of claiming. Rules of processing, assessment and medical-legal prevention. Civil liability coverage policies. User support services. Medical-legal management of claims.



Medical ethics: Concept, meaning and professional medical, social and health projection of ethical standards. Ethics commissions. Rules of ethical procedures.

Code of ethics: Content and specific and comparative medical-legal assessment of national, provincial and/or regional and international codes.

Clinical bioethics: Concept, content, medical-legal meaning and medical-professional, social and health projections.
Ethical standards and community and national bioethical legislation: Content and medical-legal meaning of specific regulations on medical activities and actions, clinical-care process and procedure, and basic and clinical investigation.
Committee/commissions on bioethics/care ethics: Types, purpose, medical-legal meaning and rules on: structure, operation and action procedure.



Insurance medicine: Types, characteristics and medical-legal content, functional competencies and action procedures. Standards for technical advice, medical-legal expertise and management of legal medicine services in insurance entities.
Legal medicine in health care: Types, characteristics and competences. Functional and structural organization chart of legal medicine services in health institutions. Procedures for action and management of legal medicine services/units.
Forensic medicine: Types, characteristics and competences. Structural and functional organization chart of legal and forensic medicine institutes/services. Methodological and operational means. Management procedure of institutes and/or services.



Death as a biological process and a social phenomenon: Medical-legal criteria. Spanish and community thanatological legislation.

Medical-legal study of agony and death certificate.

Diagnosis of certain death and medical-legal characteristics of brain death. Transplant law.
Cadaverous phenomena: Medical-legal study.
Destructive phenomena of the corpse: Medical-legal study.
Diagnosis of date and time of death: Investigation methodology of the date of death and co-death/pre-death/survival.
Medical-legal study of death: Natural, sudden, violent or suspected of criminality.
Medical-legal investigation of the place of death: Lifting of the corpse: technique, equipment and instruments and forensic methodology.
Medical-legal autopsy: Anatomical-pathological, criminal and forensic characteristics Necropsy conditions and equipment. Autopsy and complementary techniques. Methodology of necro diagnosis and anatomical-clinical-criminal correlations. Special autopsies.
Forensic opinion on cause of death: Characteristics and forensic purpose. Protocol and method of medical-forensic report.

Embalming: Techniques and methodology of conservation and morphological repair of the corpse. Regulations and medical-legal protocols of the mortuary health police. Exhumation of corpses: administrative requirements and medical-legal and health purposes. Necropsic investigation technique. Sampling. Report protocols and exhumation records.



Tissue sampling: Technique for obtaining and processing tissues for histopathological, structural and ultrastructural study.
Microscopic study: Investigation method. Means and functional organization of the forensic histopathology laboratory.
Forensic cytology and histochemistry: Applications, technique and methodology. Histopathological study of inflammation and infection with medical-legal criteria.
Microscopic study of cadaveric phenomena.
Microscopic study of the vitality and data of injuries.
Histopathological study of the skin, organs and tissues with medical-legal criteria.
Histopathological study and macro-microscopic correlations in different types of violence.
Study and histopathological research methodology in sudden death in adults and children.
Histopathological study of the pathology of the various organs of medical-legal relevance.



Crime of injury and reparation of damage to persons: Legal basis, criteria and elements of medical-legal assessment. Medical-legal protocol for action in clinical care.
Medical-legal expertise of injuries in criminal, civil and social law. Protocols and method of expertise.
Study of the different pathologies of medical-legal interest.
Medical-legal study of the different forms of violence and causal mechanisms of injury and death.
Medical-legal study of causal relationships and with causes, in the genesis and evolutionary complication of injuries.
Medical-legal study of mechanical asphyxia.
Medical-legal study of assaults with weapons.
Medical-legal study of traffic accidents: land, air and sea.
Medical-legal study of injuries and death according to the different causal agents of violence.
Study and special medical-legal aspects of major catastrophes.
Special medical-legal study of injuries according to anatomical location and injury mechanism: diagnosis of homicide, suicide and accident.
Medical-legal study of simulation and dissimulation.
Correlations of forensic pathology with other medical specialties.



Occupational medicine: Concept, clinical and occupational characteristics of workplace pathology. Organization and functions of occupational health services / company medicine.
Occupational health: Medical-health and labor criteria. Legislation.
Work physiology: Occupational medical criteria. Job fatigue and work adaptation. Ergonomics. Job profiles.
Work accidents: legal basis and legislation. Types and pathogenic characteristics. Elements of medical-legal assessment. Medical-administrative protocol of action and processing of files. Medical-legal expertise procedure. Occupational diseases: legal basis and legislation. Types and pathogenic characteristics. Elements of medical-legal assessment. Medical-administrative protocol of action and processing of files. Medical-legal expertise procedure.
Health and safety at work: Legislation and standards of hygiene and safety in premises and workplaces. Elements of assessment and procedure of medical-legal expertise.
Occupational disability: Legal basis and elements of medical-legal assessment. Aptitude for work: concept and medical-legal assessment. Medical-administrative procedure and medical-legal expertise in temporary and permanent occupational disability. Medical-legal investigation of the mechanism of death, injury and/or occupational disease in the workplace.



Concept: Legal basis and medical-legal elements of assessment Spanish and community legislation on disability and the scale of sequelae.
Medical-legal study of the different damages and patrimonial and extra-patrimonial reparation, of bodily harm
Scales and assessment guides: Concept, types and methodology of application of national and international models. Legislation.
Medical-legal opinion of bodily harm: Expert evaluation method and exploration, diagnosis and evaluation protocol.
Asset quantification: Elements of estimation of direct and indirect costs of bodily harm Approach to actuarial calculation.



Criminal liability and civil capacity: Legal basis. Elements of medical-legal assessment. Causes and modifying circumstances of liability and capacity. Criteria in the expert assessment.
Dangerous state: Legal concept and medical-legal criteria of dangerousness. Legal repression of dangerousness and security measures in Spanish law. Rehabilitation of the offender. Circumstances and medical-legal expert examination procedure.
Psychogenesis of the criminal act and criminal factors of medical-legal interest. Medical-legal study of personality and behavioral disorders: Classification, clinical diagnosis, crime, circumstances and expert examination procedure.
Medical-legal study of psychosis: Classification, clinical diagnosis, crime and expert evaluation of liability and civil capacity.
Medical-legal study of other psychopathological disorders of forensic interest.
Addictions: Classification of drugs of abuse, clinical diagnosis. Crime of drug use and trafficking. Expert evaluation of liability.
Clinical care for the mentally ill: Legal criteria and medical-legal aspects of hospital admission. Expertise examination procedure and medical-legal protocol for hospital care. Legislation.
Clinical bases of personality exploration, psychodiagnosis and forensic psychometry.
Medical-legal psychiatric opinion: medical-legal criteria and legal applications. Exploration method and medical-legal expertise. Limits and prognostic difficulties.



Crime against the sexual freedom of people: legal basis and elements of medical-legal assessment.
Sexual assaults: legal basis and elements of medical-legal assessment.

Methodology and action protocol in clinical care and medical-legal expertise.
Medical-legal study of the sex of people, intersex states and sex change: Legal basis, elements of medical-legal evaluation, and procedures for investigation and expert opinion.
Legal medicine of marriage: Legal basis, elements of medical-legal evaluation, and procedures for investigation and expert opinion. Special study of impotence and fertilization.
Violence and abuse in the family: Legal basis, elements of medical-legal evaluation, and procedures for investigation and medical-legal expertise regarding abuse in spouses, children and the elderly.
Pregnancy and birth: Legal basis, elements of medical-legal evaluation, and procedures for investigation and medical-legal expert opinion. Medical-legal protocols for clinical action.
Abortion: Legal basis. Legislation on voluntary termination of pregnancy. Elements of medical-legal evaluation. Investigation procedures and medical-legal expertise. Medical-legal protocol in clinical actions.
Sterilization: Legal basis. Legislation on voluntary sterilization. Elements of medical-legal evaluation. Investigation procedures and medical-legal expertise. Medical-legal protocol in clinical actions.
Legal medicine of the newborn and childhood: Legal basis and elements of medical-legal assessment of the criminal and civil spheres. Investigation procedures and medical-legal expertise.



Examination of the crime scene: Methodical search, collection and sending of evidence, objects and samples to the crime laboratory.
Identification of the living subject and the dead body: Means and methodical technique.
Fingerprinting: Investigation applications and techniques.
Forensic odontology: Applications and investigation techniques and generic diagnosis, species and individual.
Stains from other organic fluids: Search, investigation techniques and generic diagnosis, species and individual, in sperm, urine, feces, saliva, etc.

Medical-legal study of hair, hair and nails: Morphological characteristics and generic diagnosis, species and individual.

Paternity and maternity investigation: Legislation, method of investigation and medical-legal expertise.
Other laboratory techniques of medical-legal interest.
Study of graphics, handwritten and typewritten documents: Aspects of medical-legal interest.
Ballistics: General aspects of medical-legal interest.
Organization and management of crime laboratories.



Medical-legal study of injuries and death by toxic agents.
Sampling for toxicological investigation: Search method, collection, preparation and sending to the laboratory. Toxicology laboratories.
General analytical investigation and specific identification of toxics: technique, research method and evaluation of results.
Study of pathologies, means of investigation and diagnosis of intoxications of medical-legal interest.
Drugs of abuse: Classification and pharma chemical characteristics. Medical-legal study of early diagnosis, analytical screening methods. Health care and therapeutic measures.
Ethyl alcohol: Legal medical study of the diagnosis of intoxications and investigation of live and cadaveric alcohol levels, in relation to traffic accidents and criminal behavior.
Ecotoxicology: special study of medical-legal aspects of ecological crime.
Medical-legal study of chemical weapons.