Gerontology and Geriatrics Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

Gerontology and Geriatrics Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

Gerontology and Geriatrics Specialization Training Program (For European Resident Physicians Only)

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  1. Comprehensive care function:

Basic knowledge:

Module 1. Introduction to gerontology

Module 2. Social gerontology 2.1. Aging and society 2.2. Comprehensive care for the elderly 2.3. Social risk factors in old age and aging 2.4. Elderly and their family 2.5. Elderly with regard to retirement 2.6. Application of social circles to the improvement of individual and collective health actions

Module 3. Gerontological psychology 3.1. Generalities in the doctor-patient relationship in psychology 3.2. The focus of gerontological psychology in the doctor-patient relationship 3.3. Study of personality in the elderly 3.4. Psychodiagnostics 3.5. Stress as a risk factor in aging 3.6. Guidance and therapy in the elderly

Module 4. Epidemiology and aging

Module 5. Nutrition and aging 5.1. Anthropometry 5.2. Biological age 5.3. Body composition 5.4. Somatotype 5.4. Nutrition

Area I. Clinical geriatrics


Module 6. The senile lung

Module 7. Pulmonary emphysema

Module 8. Non-tuberculous lung diseases

Module 9. Tuberculous pneumonia

Module 10. Bronchiectasis

Module 11. Lung cancer

Module 12. Mediastinal syndrome

Module 13. Pleural diseases

Module 14. Occupational lung disease

Module 15. Other common lung diseases in the elderly


Module 16. The senile heart

Module 17. Heart failure

Module 18. Ischemic heart disease

Module 19. Cardiac arrhythmias

Module 20. Cardiomyopathies

Module 21. Valve diseases

Module 22. Bacterial endocarditis

Module 23. Chronic right heart failure

Module 24. Pulmonary thromboembolism

Module 25. Pericarditis

Module 26. Peripheral vascular disease


Module 27. Digestive system and aging

Module 28. Oral diseases 28.1. Inflammatory or degenerative oral diseases 28.2. Deficiency-related oral diseases 28.3. Malignant lesions and oral carcinoma

Module 29. Diseases of the esophagus

Module 30. Diseases of the stomach and duodenum (small intestine disease and syndrome) 30.1. Crohn’s disease 30.2. Intestinal tuberculosis 30.3. Benign neoplasms 30.4.

Malabsorption syndrome 30.5. Small bowel ischemia

Module 31. Other diseases of the small intestine

Module 32. Diseases of the colon 32.1. Constipation 32.2. Colitis 32.3. Diverticulosis and diverticulitis 32.4. Benign and malignant tumors 32.5. Diseases of the rectum 32.6. Proctitis 32.7. Fecal incontinence 32.8. Rectal prolapse 32.9. Benign and malignant tumors

Module 33. Diseases of the liver

Module 34. Diseases of the pancreas and bile ducts


Nutrition, endocrine system, and genitourinary system:

Module 35. Endocrine diseases and aging 35.1. Diabetes mellitus

Module 36. Diseases of the thyroid

Module 37. Diseases of the adrenals

Module 38. Gonadal syndromes

Module 39. Parathyroid syndromes

Module 40. Hypothalamic syndromes

Module 41. Hyperlipoproteinemia

Module 42. Genitourinary system and aging

Module 43. Pyelonephritis and urinary infections

Module 44. Urinary incontinence

Module 45. Obstructive uropathy

Module 46. Chronic kidney disease

Module 47. Prostate cancer

Module 48. Gynecological conditions in elderly women


Module 49. Musculoskeletal syndrome and aging

Module 50. Collagen diseases

Module 51. Most common SOMA diseases in the elderly

Module 52. Osteoporosis

Hematopoietic and lymphatic:

Module 53. HLP system and ageing

Module 54. Anemias in the elderly

Module 55. Leukemia in the elderly

Module 56. Hemopathies

Module 57. Blood clotting disorders

Nervous system:

Module 58. Nervous system and aging

Module 59. Cerebrovascular diseases

Module 60. Disorders of the extrapyramidal system

Module 61. Contagious diseases of the CNS

Module 62. Cerebellar diseases

Module 63. Neuromuscular diseases

Module 64. Brain tumors

Care for the elderly in emergency services:

Module 65. Emergency care in the on-duty emergency team 65.1. Acute myocardial infarction 65.2. Acute failure of the left ventricle 65.3. Hypertensive crisis 65.4. Cardiac arrest 65.5. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding 65.6. Biliary colic, nephritic and acute abdomen 65.7. Diabetic ketoacidosis 65.8. Hyperosmolar coma 65.9. Convulsive status 65.10. Polytraumatized

Intensive care:

Module 66. Instrumentation techniques 66.1. General 66.2. Monitoring 66.3. Ventilators and ventilatory support 66.4. Venous approach 66.5. Oro and nasotracheal intubation techniques

Module 67. Parenteral nutrition in the elderly

Module 68. Hydromineral and acid-base imbalance

Module 69. Severe respiratory diseases 69.1. Chronic and acute respiratory failure 69.2. Adult acute respiratory distress syndrome 69.3. Incomplete drowning syndrome

Module 70. Severe acute cardiovascular diseases 70.1. Acute coronary insufficiency 70.2. Heart rhythm disorders 70.3. Pulmonary thromboembolism

Module 71. Exogenous intoxications 71.1. Psychopharmaceuticals 71.2. Organophosphates 71.3. Methyl alcohol

Module 72. Infectious diseases 72.1. Tetanus 72.2. Guillain-Barré

Module 73. Acute pancreatitis

Module 74. Shock

Area II. Psychogeriatrics:

Module 75. Introductory psychogeriatrics

Module 76. Psychogeriatric therapy

Module 77. Personality disorders

Module 78. Neurosis in the elderly

Module 79. Insane psychosis 79.1. Acute cerebral syndromes 79.2. Chronic cerebral syndromes 79.3. Alzheimer’s dementia 79.4. Post-stroke dementia 79.5. Post-traumatic dementia 79.6. Epileptic dementia 79.7. Alcoholic dementia

Module 80. Suicide in the elderly

Module 81. Situational reactions in the elderly 81.1. Geriatric disorders caused by mental factors

Gerontological and geriatric institutions:

Module 82. Nursing home care 82.1. Administrative organization of the home 82.2. Nursing home medical care 82.3. Medical care team in the nursing home 82.4. Health diagnosis in the nursing home 82.5. Health education in the nursing home 82.6. Concept and functions of long-stay institutions for the chronically ill elderly 82.7. Architectural design and structure of institutions for the elderly

  1. Administration function:

Module 83. Planning and organization

Module 84. Management and control

  1. Teaching function:

Module 85. The educational teaching process in gerontology and geriatrics

  1. Research function:

Module 86. Medical-social research on the health-disease phenomenon

The resident will pass modules 83 to 86 to acquire the knowledge and skills of research, management, and teaching, without an order of precedence and at any time during the residency



FIRST YEAR           SECOND YEAR                              THIRD YEAR_____

 MONTHS                 MONTHS                                         MONTHS


Knowledge                Area I                                                Area I

Basics                         Clinical geriatrics                             Clinical geriatrics

Mod. 1 – 5      5          Mod. 22 – 26             1                      Mod. 53 – 57             2

                                    Mod. 27 – 34             2                      Mod. 58 – 64             6

                                    Mod. 35 – 48             3

Area I                         Mod. 49—52             2                      Intensive care

Clinical geriatrics                                                                 Mod. 66 –74              2

Mod. 6 – 15                2.5       On-duty emergency team

Mod. 16 – 21              2.5                   Mod. 65          1

                                                                                               On duty emergency team

                                                                                               Mod. 65                     1

On-duty emergency team                1          Area II

Mod. 65                                                         Psychogeriatrics

                                                                       Mod. 75 – 81              1

                                                                       Area III.


                                                                       Geronto. geriat.

                                                                       Mod. 82